Monday, December 7, 2009

Emergency plan One

Hey guys, if school is closed for an emergency, this is your first assignment to be completed. Please write an essay in WORD and cut and paste into comment box as shown in school.

English 12
Mrs. Woolley
Emergency plans in case there is long-term school closing

Writing Prompts for High School

High School Cause and Effect Prompt:

1. At a recent conference at the University of Chicago, David Walsh of the National Institute on Media and the Family presented a paper titled “Video Game Violence and Public Policy.”
The paper stated that “79% of American children now play computer or video games on a regular basis. Children between the ages of seven and 17 play for an average of eight hours a week.”

“The growth of electronic games has not been without controversy, however. The subset of games that feature violence, gore, and antisocial behavior has raised concern among parents, educators, child advocates, medical professionals, and policy makers.”

According to Walsh, research shows reason for concern:

“Exposure to violent games increases physiological* arousal. . . .Heart rate . . . and . . . blood pressure all increase when playing violent games. . . . These are the same types of physiological reactions bodies have when engaged in a fight.”

“Exposure to violent games increases aggressive emotions.” In one study, “students who were more ‘addicted’ to video games were significantly more likely to be in a bad mood before, during, and after play than were non-addicted students.”

“In a study of 8th and 9th graders, students who played more violent video games were also more likely to see the world as a hostile place, to get into frequent arguments with teachers, and to be involved in physical fights.”

*physiological: relating to the body’s normal functions and processes.

Using the information presented in the paper, experiences from your own life, and/or other information you have read, write an article for your school newspaper about the negative effects of playing violent video games.

As you write your article, remember to:
• Focus on the negative effects of children playing violent video games.
• Consider the purpose, audience and context of your article.
• Organize your ideas and details effectively.
• Include specific details that clearly develop your article.
• Use standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation.